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6 rounds of 9 boards. Director: Julie Jeffries

Results after 6 of 6 matches
Place Team (click here to show names) Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 FAWCETT (3)89 81.714-0-21.87
2 PERRIN (1)62 79.465-1-01.79
3 PARKES (5)38 71.494-0-21.30
4 RUSHER (2)37 69.523-0-30.92
5 GIEBELS (4)27 68.674-0-20.72
6 HEMPHILL (7)14 63.403-1-20.63
7 GARDINER (10)-22 53.372-0-40.36
8 ADERMANN (9)-43 48.802-0-40.36
9 TOZER (8)-91 34.661-0-50.18
10 HOFFENSETZ (6)-105 30.481-0-50.18
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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