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Team 1 - Rusher
    Home Table   Away Table     Pair Datums  
  Graham Rusher
Bill Szumidlo
  Jackie Tozer
Sue Cheney
  Irene Allpass
Sue Noble
  Unis Suliman
Allan Byrnes
Board No vs Team   Contract Result Score   Contract Result Score   Net Score Net Imps   Datum NS EW  
Board 95: Tozer 1NT S790 2D S750   1404   1022  
Board 105: Tozer 3H E9-140 4H E12680   54011   -140011  
Board 115: Tozer 3S W850 3D S850   1003   -5030  
Board 125: Tozer 4H W8100 2H W9140   2406   3025  
Board 135: Tozer 4H S12680 3NT S11-660   201   65010  
Board 145: Tozer 4H E10-420 3H E10170   -250-6   -110-72  
Board 155: Tozer 4H N11650 4H N11-650   00   5303-3  
Board 165: Tozer 4C N9-50 2D E890   401   -7011  
Total20  518 

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