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Pair 1 NS - Chris Rackeman / Robyn Pace
Place: 4, Percentage: 34.26%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 11: Norma Murray / Susan Kopelke2C E8D9-110250%  
Board 21: Norma Murray / Susan Kopelke4H N4D106204100%  
Board 31: Norma Murray / Susan Kopelke3C S4H8-5000%  
Board 45: Andrew Browne / Jane Daubney2S SKD7-100250%  
Board 55: Andrew Browne / Jane Daubney2S W8D6100250%  
Board 65: Andrew Browne / Jane Daubney2S E7C10-17000%  
Board 74: Mary Field / Lynne Gossage2NT NTC5-300125%  
Board 84: Mary Field / Lynne Gossage5C S4H8-15000%  
Board 94: Mary Field / Lynne Gossage3D W5C10-13000%  
Board 103: Wendy Gay / Carol Marsh2S WQD9-140117%  
Board 113: Wendy Gay / Carol Marsh4S W2H12-480233%  
Board 123: Wendy Gay / Carol Marsh4S S2C12680467%  

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