Pair 5 NS - Robyn Pace / Chris Rackeman
Place: 4, Percentage: 43.52%
Board No
vs Pr
Contract Lead Result
Matchpoints %
Board 1 4: Frances Croft / Jennie Smith 2 S
7D 8 110 6 100% Board 2 4: Frances Croft / Jennie Smith 3 N
KC 7 -200 0 0% Board 3 4: Frances Croft / Jennie Smith 1 S
5D 8 110 3 50% Board 4 3: Marilyn Godfrey / Alison Sanders 4 W
7D 13 -710 3 50% Board 5 3: Marilyn Godfrey / Alison Sanders 1 N
5H 8 90 2 33% Board 6 3: Marilyn Godfrey / Alison Sanders 3 N
KS 10 130 5 83% Board 7 2: Anne Harding / Beverley Bills 1 W
7S 8 -90 4 67% Board 8 2: Anne Harding / Beverley Bills 2 N
4S 9 110 0 0% Board 9 2: Anne Harding / Beverley Bills 4 S
3H 10 420 2 33% Board 13 5: Norma Murray / Susan Kopelke 4 X N
8S 7 -800 0 0% Board 14 5: Norma Murray / Susan Kopelke 3NT W 8S 7 100 6 100% Board 15 5: Norma Murray / Susan Kopelke 2 W
5D 8 -110 0.3 5%
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