Pair 3 - Carole Bloomer / Jill Cavanagh
Place: 1, Percentage: 56.79%
Board No
vs Pr
Contract Lead Result
Matchpoints %
Board 1 7: Debbie Manche / Lyn La Roche 4 N 5H 11 450 0 0% Board 2 7: Debbie Manche / Lyn La Roche 5 E 4D 10 50 4 100% Board 3 7: Debbie Manche / Lyn La Roche 3 E 6S 5 400 4 100% Board 4 1: Alex Daw / Clare Drew 2 E 7S 9 -140 0 0% Board 5 1: Alex Daw / Clare Drew 4 S 6D 10 620 0 0% Board 6 1: Alex Daw / Clare Drew 3 S 6S 12 170 4 100% Board 7 6: Anne Munro / George O'Brien 2 S AC 7 100 1 50% Board 8 6: Anne Munro / George O'Brien 3 E AS 7 -100 2 100% Board 9 6: Anne Munro / George O'Brien 3 N AC 10 -170 0 0% Board 16 8: Cathie Pearson / Maria Miller 1 W 3D 7 70 4 67% Board 17 8: Cathie Pearson / Maria Miller 2 S 6D 7 50 0 0% Board 18 8: Cathie Pearson / Maria Miller 2 W AD 7 -50 4 67% Board 19 2: Ivy Monteiro / Marie Low 3 N AD 10 170 4 67% Board 20 2: Ivy Monteiro / Marie Low 3 W AD 8 100 2 33% Board 21 2: Ivy Monteiro / Marie Low 4 S 6D 11 650 6 100% Board 22 4: Ria Mylrea / Maureen McNamara 1NT W 9S 6 -100 2 50% Board 23 4: Ria Mylrea / Maureen McNamara 2 S 6C 6 200 4 100% Board 24 4: Ria Mylrea / Maureen McNamara 2NT W 5C 9 150 4 100%
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