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Thursday B (20-Feb-25)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1135.0 56.25% Linda Neil - Cia Adermann (4)0.18
2133.0 55.42% David Douglas - John Bosci (5)0.13
3127.0 52.92% Wendy Gay - Granville Gay (1)0.09
4115.0 47.92% Maria Miller - Douglas Johnstone (2) 
5113.0 47.08% Ruth Hoffensetz - Louise Staines (3) 
697.0 40.42% Jenni Hansen - Sandy Spies (6) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1141.0 58.75% Flemming Scholler - Liz Marshall (1)0.18
2131.0 54.58% Greg Petrie - Clare Petrie (2)0.13
3125.0 52.08% Susie Thomson - Lesley Henderson (3)0.09
4115.0 47.92% Ria Mylrea - Maureen McNamara (6) 
5109.0 45.42% Lily Manlapig - Lyn Lodge (5) 
699.0 41.25% Lesley Hoyling - Linda Dyne (4) 

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