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Wednesday Afternoon (10-Jul-24)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1197.7 58.84% George O'Brien - Merle Thomas (2)0.27
2182.7 54.38% Greg Ford - Rob Myers (3)0.19
3181.0 53.87% Jenny Coyle - Leanne Nugent (7)0.14
4172.7 51.40% Lisa McConkey - Bevley D'aquino (4)0.09
5169.1 50.34% Sue Young - Debbie Nevin (6) 
6160.0 47.62% David Douglas - Yonghee Jun (9) 
7151.7 45.15% Sue Noble - Irene Allpass (8) 
8149.3 44.43% Graeme Seaton - Roger Tomes (1) 
9147.7 43.96% Margaret Mobbs - Marge Eaton (5) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1208.3 55.10% Claire Vanderloos - Clem Vanderloos (2)0.27
2200.3 52.99% Marie Low - Kiran Dutt (1)0.19
3199.9 52.87% Janet Hubner - Judy Wallace (7)0.14
4198.7 52.57% Bertilia Colling - Jennifer Brangan (6)0.09
5195.3 51.66% Ruth Hoffensetz - Mel Gilmour (8) 
6183.3 48.49% Heather Douglas - Sue Cheney (3) 
7171.0 45.24% Ken Macdougall - John Conoplia (4) 
8155.3 41.08% Steven Cumming - Fiona Cumming (5) 

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