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Friday Morning (28-Jun-24)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1146.0 60.83% Margaret Mobbs - Diane McClintock (4)0.21
2136.0 56.67% Leanne Nugent - Jenny Iliescu (7)0.15
3130.0 54.17% Gary Charlton - Anne Russell (1)0.11
4115.0 47.92% Jenny Coyle - Irene Allpass (6) 
5112.0 46.67% Graeme Seaton - Gary Walton (5) 
6110.0 45.83% Sue Noble - Ruth Hoffensetz (3) 
791.0 37.92% Margaret Giebels - Jill Hislop (2) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1186.0 66.43% Vina Shah - Naren Shah (4)0.21
2139.0 49.64% Lisa McConkey - Bevley D'aquino (2)0.15
3138.0 49.29% Unis Suliman - Peter Taylor (1)0.11
4135.0 48.21% Granville Gay - Wendy Gay (5) 
5123.0 43.93% Ethel Lavin - Pam Schiller (6) 
6119.0 42.50% Phil Goodridge - Bonnie Goodridge (3) 

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