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Tuesday Morning (28-May-24)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1139.0 57.92% Stephen Prowse - Cathy Magi (5)0.18
2130.0 54.17% Jenny Hearle - Linda Baillie (6)0.13
3129.0 53.75% Rosemary Clark - Phil Young (2)0.09
4120.0 50.00% Merle Thomas - Shobha Rawal (4) 
5113.0 47.08% Tricia Sheahan - Ilva Copley (3) 
689.0 37.08% Denis Stark - Alan Hilton (1) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1134.0 55.83% Norma Murray - Fran Alt (6)0.18
2126.0 52.50% Janette White - Alex Daw (4)0.13
3121.0 50.42% Jenny Joseph - Sue Donovan (2)0.09
4119.0 49.58% Gaye Johnson - Louise Fraser (3) 
5110.0 45.83% Jenni Hansen - Bev Ware (5) 
5110.0 45.83% Greg Petrie - Linda Gough (1) 

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