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Friday Morning NWP (19-Apr-24)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1250.6 63.94% Sue Sharp - Loraine King (4)0.24
2242.3 61.81% Margaret Giebels - Jill Hislop (1)0.17
3215.6 55.01% Jenny Coyle - Carol Lubbe (3)0.12
4183.1 46.71% Richard Spelman - Lyn Tracey (6)0.08
5180.8 46.11% Leanne Nugent - Jenny Iliescu (7) 
6178.0 45.41% Gary Charlton - Allan Byrnes (2) 
7163.2 41.63% Margaret Mobbs - Diane McClintock (5) 
8154.4 39.40% Graeme Seaton - Gary Walton (8) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1246.7 62.92% Unis Suliman - Peter Taylor (2)0.24
2215.9 55.06% Stephen Stening - Graham Rusher (4)0.17
3211.8 54.03% Lisa McConkey - Bevley D'aquino (3)0.12
4202.1 51.57% Phil Goodridge - Bonnie Goodridge (7)0.08
5201.2 51.34% Bronwyn Macleod - Tere Wotherspoon (8) 
6175.0 44.65% Ethel Lavin - Lyn Lodge (6) 
7160.6 40.97% Eliza Hemphill - Rick Webster (5) 
8154.6 39.44% Marie Lincoln - Lesley Hoyling (1) 

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