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Tuesday Afternoon B (16-Apr-24)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1191.0 56.85% Linda Neil - Sue Calthrop (4)0.21
2185.8 55.31% Lyn Lodge - Ruth Hoffensetz (5)0.15
3185.3 55.16% Gayleen Trevaskis - Ethel Lavin (3)0.11
4173.7 51.69% Jackie Tozer - Marion Tomes (1) 
5151.8 45.19% Sue Noble - Mel Gilmour (7) 
6146.0 43.45% George O'Brien - Merle Thomas (2) 
7142.3 42.36% Marie Lincoln - Denise Everingham (6) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1192.2 57.19% Jim Pope - Peter Wilce (7)0.21
2183.2 54.51% Cia Adermann - Pam Schiller (3)0.15
3181.7 54.07% Claire Vanderloos - Heather Douglas (1)0.11
4170.3 50.69% Aileen O'Gorman - FAYE BRIGGS (6) 
5163.8 48.76% Therese Knauer - Jan Ford (4) 
6146.7 43.65% Dale Lehner - Judy Barbour (2) 
7138.2 41.12% Sue Young - Margot Jeffery (5) 

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