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Friday Morning NWP (5-Apr-24)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1340.2 63.00% Margaret Giebels - Jill Hislop (6)0.33
2339.2 62.81% Margaret Mobbs - Diane McClintock (5)0.23
3325.6 60.29% Andrew Sharp - Sue Sharp (2)0.17
4279.0 51.67% Jan Flanigan - Rick Webster (4)0.11
5265.1 49.09% Graeme Seaton - Gary Walton (9)0.08
6261.7 48.46% Maria Miller - Anne Russell (11) 
7258.6 47.89% Graham Rusher - Stephen Stening (1) 
8255.1 47.25% Sue Noble - Mel Gilmour (10) 
9226.0 41.84% Allan Byrnes - Peter Taylor (3) 
10211.0 39.08% Jenny Coyle - Irene Allpass (8) 
11210.1 38.91% Leanne Nugent - Jenny Iliescu (7) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1336.1 62.24% Peter Neil - Sue Calthrop (7)0.33
2303.2 56.15% Unis Suliman - Gary Charlton (3)0.23
3289.1 53.54% Phil Goodridge - Bonnie Goodridge (6)0.17
4287.7 53.28% Jill Rankine - Judy Wallace (10)0.11
5282.6 52.34% Eliza Hemphill - Robert Olander (9)0.08
6264.0 48.88% Sue Cheney - Lyn Lodge (1) 
7255.5 47.32% Granville Gay - Wendy Gay (4) 
8243.3 45.06% Flemming Scholler - Roger Tomes (5) 
9238.4 44.15% Karen Edwards - Jennifer Millman (8) 
10200.0 37.03% Ethel Lavin - Pam Schiller (2) 

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