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Thursday Morning (8-Feb-24)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1212.0 63.10% Wendy Gay - Granville Gay (7)0.27
2181.0 53.87% Bruce Finlayson - Gary Charlton (2)0.19
3172.4 51.32% Judy Cooper - Glenn Cooper (3)0.14
4170.7 50.81% David Douglas - John Bosci (6)0.09
5170.4 50.71% Marie Lincoln - Lesley Hoyling (1) 
6161.7 48.13% Lesley Henderson - Ruth Hoffensetz (9) 
7159.0 47.32% Sue Ledlie - Helen Leahy (8) 
8158.0 47.02% Peter Wilce - Heather Douglas (5) 
9128.1 38.14% Jennifer Millman - Sue Cheney (4) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1232.9 61.60% Lily Manlapig - Lyn Lodge (5)0.27
2232.0 61.38% Ria Mylrea - Maureen McNamara (1)0.19
3196.3 51.93% Sandi Govenlock - Moya Dew (6)0.14
4196.0 51.85% Alex Daw - Anne Munro (2)0.09
5192.6 50.95% Kiran Dutt - Marie Low (8) 
6174.0 46.03% Jean McGuinness - Sue Donovan (4) 
7148.3 39.23% Tricia Sheahan - Patricia Bylett (9) 
8138.6 36.66% Jenny Joseph - Linda Gough (3) 

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