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Friday Morning (26-Jan-24)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
193.0 64.58% Leanne Nugent - Jenny Iliescu (1)0.30
284.0 58.33% Unis Suliman - Gary Charlton (2)0.18
284.0 58.33% Flemming Scholler - Roger Tomes (8)0.18
479.0 54.86% Phil Goodridge - Bonnie Goodridge (5)0.10
572.0 50.00% Ethel Lavin - Rob Myers (7) 
670.0 48.61% Ruth Hoffensetz - Mel Gilmour (6) 
759.0 40.97% Margaret Mobbs - Loraine King (9) 
856.0 38.89% Graeme Seaton - Judy Seaton (4) 
951.0 35.42% Jan Flanigan - Rick Webster (3) 

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