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Tuesday Afternoon (16-Jan-24)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1223.0 66.37% Jenny Iliescu - Mel Gilmour (9)0.27
2188.0 55.95% Jenny Coyle - Gary Charlton (2)0.19
3180.7 53.78% Margaret Mobbs - Anne Russell (5)0.14
4179.0 53.27% Rob Myers - Gayleen Trevaskis (6)0.09
5154.0 45.83% Jackie Tozer - Marion Tomes (3) 
5154.0 45.83% George O'Brien - Merle Thomas (1) 
7153.7 45.75% Therese Knauer - Jan Ford (4) 
8150.1 44.69% Christa Steinmuller - Anne Watson (8) 
9129.4 38.52% Sue Young - Margot Jeffery (7) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1211.9 56.05% Bill Szumidlo - Geoff Longshaw (3)0.27
2210.3 55.63% Jim Pope - Peter Wilce (6)0.19
3206.0 54.50% Lily Manlapig - Judy Wallace (2)0.14
4200.6 53.06% Renuka Mahadevan - Maria Miller (1)0.09
5181.0 47.88% Kiran Dutt - Douglas Johnstone (5) 
6173.0 45.77% Sue Cheney - Jennifer Millman (9) 
7167.3 44.26% Cia Adermann - Elizabeth Handley (4) 
8162.0 42.86% Ivy Bunce - Louise Nohreiter (7) 

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