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Tuesday Afternoon (9-Jan-24)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1289.0 66.90% Jenny Coyle - Gary Charlton (2)0.27
2261.0 60.42% Jill Hislop - Marge Eaton (9)0.19
3219.0 50.69% Lyn Lodge - Mel Gilmour (8)0.12
3219.0 50.69% Christa Steinmuller - Anne Watson (5)0.12
5202.0 46.76% Sue Noble - Irene Allpass (7) 
6200.0 46.30% George O'Brien - Merle Thomas (1) 
7193.0 44.68% Peter Wilce - Jim Pope (4) 
8191.0 44.21% Sue Young - Margot Jeffery (6) 
9170.0 39.35% Sue Ledlie - Kathryn Kelly (3) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1256.0 59.26% Ethel Lavin - Gayleen Trevaskis (5)0.27
2254.0 58.80% Bill Szumidlo - Geoff Longshaw (7)0.19
3240.0 55.56% Stephen Stening - Graham Rusher (9)0.14
4215.0 49.77% Marion Tomes - Jackie Tozer (8)0.09
5208.0 48.15% Lily Manlapig - Judy Wallace (2) 
6199.0 46.06% Renuka Mahadevan - Mary Fletcher (1) 
7193.0 44.68% Sandi Govenlock - Moya Dew (4) 
8190.0 43.98% Ivy Bunce - Louise Nohreiter (6) 
9189.0 43.75% Cathie Pearson - Glen Lockington (3) 

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