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Thursday Morning (4-Jan-24)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1196.2 68.11% Jenny Coyle - Leanne Nugent (1)0.24
2179.5 62.33% Sue Ledlie - Helen Leahy (6)0.17
3150.0 52.08% Debbie Manche - Gary Charlton (3)0.12
4141.3 49.06% Peter Wilce - Heather Douglas (5)0.08
5135.4 47.00% Judy Cooper - Glenn Cooper (2) 
6120.3 41.76% Alex Daw - Anne Munro (4) 
7117.4 40.76% Sam Staines - David Benson (7) 
8112.0 38.89% Greg Ford - Jan Ford (8) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1168.8 58.62% Lily Manlapig - Lyn Lodge (2)0.24
2149.5 51.92% Ria Mylrea - Maureen McNamara (4)0.17
3148.8 51.67% Ruth Hoffensetz - Louise Staines (6)0.12
4146.8 50.96% Sandi Govenlock - Moya Dew (8)0.08
5141.3 49.06% Anne Gardiner - Lesley Hoyling (7) 
6140.3 48.71% Kathryn Kelly - Pam Schiller (1) 
7132.5 45.99% Douglas Johnstone - Maria Miller (5) 
8124.0 43.05% Marion Tomes - Jennifer Millman (3) 

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