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Wednesday Afternoon (27-Dec-23)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1171.0 61.07% Claire Vanderloos - Clem Vanderloos (3)0.21
2151.0 53.93% George O'Brien - Sue Ledlie (4)0.15
3150.0 53.57% Margaret Mobbs - Marge Eaton (5)0.11
4129.0 46.07% Jan Flanigan - Sue Cheney (1) 
5122.0 43.57% Jenny Coyle - Leanne Nugent (2) 
6117.0 41.79% Alex Daw - Janette White (6) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1155.0 64.58% Peter Neil - Elizabeth Handley (7)0.21
2150.0 62.50% Jill Rankine - Judy Wallace (2)0.15
3128.0 53.33% Sue Calthrop - Linda Neil (3)0.11
4121.0 50.42% Jill Hislop - Chris Williams (5) 
5104.0 43.33% Sue Noble - Irene Allpass (6) 
6100.0 41.67% Cherie Orchard - Sue Clare (1) 
782.0 34.17% Kiran Dutt - Glen Lockington (4) 

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