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Thursday Morning (7-Dec-23)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1253.8 58.74% Ria Mylrea - Maureen McNamara (6)0.33
2242.5 56.13% Jenny Coyle - Leanne Nugent (11)0.23
3238.7 55.26% Bruce Finlayson - Gary Charlton (2)0.17
4232.4 53.80% Jennifer Millman - Sue Cheney (9)0.11
5222.8 51.56% Linda Neil - Cia Adermann (10)0.08
6219.4 50.78% Ruth Hoffensetz - Louise Staines (3) 
7211.2 48.90% Judy Cooper - Glenn Cooper (1) 
8204.3 47.30% John Bosci - David Douglas (7) 
9195.1 45.16% Shobha Rawal - Sue Noble (4) 
10139.8 32.37% Alex Daw - Anne Munro (5) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1243.5 56.37% Granville Gay - Wendy Gay (10)0.33
2232.5 53.81% Therese Knauer - Louise Fraser (4)0.23
3231.3 53.55% Sam Staines - David Benson (8)0.14
3231.3 53.55% Cherie Orchard - Robyn Bowman (11)0.14
5228.6 52.91% Helen Leahy - Sue Ledlie (5)0.08
6217.4 50.33% Anne Gardiner - Lesley Hoyling (1) 
7208.6 48.28% Kiran Dutt - Marie Low (6) 
8203.8 47.17% Jenny Joseph - Judy Scotney (3) 
9199.4 46.16% Tricia Sheahan - Patricia Bylett (7) 
10191.1 44.24% Cathie Pearson - Beth Rothery (2) 
11188.5 43.63% Ethel Lavin - Pam Schiller (9) 

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