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Wednesday Afternoon Xmas Red Pts (6-Dec-23)
Place Result % Pair Name Red pts
1202.0 67.33% Margaret Mobbs - Marge Eaton (3)0.30
2180.0 60.00% Jenny Coyle - Leanne Nugent (5)0.21
3170.0 56.67% Graeme Seaton - Graham Rusher (1)0.15
4151.0 50.33% Sue Noble - Irene Allpass (4) 
5119.0 39.67% Peter Wilce - Heather Douglas (2) 
678.0 26.00% Denis Stark - Margaret Raymond (6) 
Place Result % Pair Name Red pts
1166.0 55.33% Claire Vanderloos - Clem Vanderloos (2)0.30
2165.0 55.00% Peter Neil - Stuart Stoddart (6)0.21
3152.0 50.67% Margaret Giebels - Diane McClintock (1)0.15
4144.0 48.00% Bevley D'aquino - Lisa McConkey (4) 
5139.0 46.33% Jill Rankine - Judy Wallace (5) 
6134.0 44.67% Chris Williams - Anne Russell (3) 
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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