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Wednesday Afternoon (27-Sep-23)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1196.8 58.58% Margaret Mobbs - Marge Eaton (5)0.24
2196.0 58.33% Sue Noble - Irene Allpass (2)0.17
3186.2 55.41% Jenny Coyle - Leanne Nugent (8)0.12
4171.2 50.94% Lesley Henderson - Susie Thomson (7)0.08
5169.7 50.50% Peter Neil - Stuart Stoddart (3) 
6149.5 44.49% John Bosci - Anne Russell (4) 
7144.7 43.06% Sue Young - Debbie Nevin (6) 
8130.0 38.69% Roger Tomes - Margaret Raymond (1) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1192.0 57.14% Claire Vanderloos - Clem Vanderloos (1)0.24
2179.0 53.27% Sue Calthrop - Linda Neil (2)0.17
3175.2 52.13% Jill Rankine - Judy Wallace (8)0.12
4167.8 49.95% John Conoplia - Ken Macdougall (7)0.08
5163.3 48.61% Barbara Bedwell - Meredith Lennon (3) 
6160.5 47.77% Lisa McConkey - Bevley D'aquino (6) 
7153.8 45.78% Kathryn Kelly - Jan Ford (5) 
8152.3 45.34% Kiran Dutt - Marie Low (4) 

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