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Thursday Morning (24-Aug-23)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1228.0 67.86% Peter Wilce - Heather Douglas (7)0.27
2190.0 56.55% Judy Cooper - Glenn Cooper (1)0.19
3187.0 55.65% Anne Gardiner - Lesley Hoyling (2)0.14
4178.0 52.98% Sue Cheney - Therese Knauer (8)0.09
5172.0 51.19% Greg Ford - Jan Ford (3) 
6157.0 46.73% Sue Ledlie - Mel Gilmour (4) 
7145.0 43.15% Jenny Coyle - Leanne Nugent (9) 
8140.0 41.67% Lesley Henderson - Susie Thomson (6) 
9115.0 34.23% Marie O'Flaherty - Anne Munro (5) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1272.0 71.96% Cia Adermann - Linda Neil (7)0.27
2224.0 59.26% Stuart Stoddart - Sue Calthrop (5)0.19
3198.0 52.38% Sue Clare - Penny Wagstaff (9)0.14
4186.0 49.21% Robyn Bowman - Julie Richmond (6)0.09
5181.0 47.88% Alan Hilton - Denis Stark (1) 
6175.0 46.30% Rob Myers - Maria Miller (2) 
7143.0 37.83% Jenny Joseph - Judy Scotney (3) 
8133.0 35.19% Kathryn Kelly - Pam Schiller (8) 

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