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Thursday Morning (17-Aug-23)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1201.6 59.99% Anne Gardiner - Lesley Hoyling (3)0.27
2201.4 59.95% Peter Wilce - Heather Douglas (5)0.19
3187.4 55.78% Stuart Stoddart - Sue Calthrop (4)0.14
4181.4 54.00% Judy Cooper - Glenn Cooper (1)0.09
5163.9 48.77% Gloria Newton - Marie Low (6) 
6162.6 48.38% Greg Ford - Jan Ford (2) 
7159.7 47.53% Jennifer Millman - Sue Cheney (8) 
8129.3 38.48% Jenny Coyle - Leanne Nugent (9) 
9126.1 37.53% Denis Stark - Alan Hilton (7) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1212.3 56.16% David Douglas - John Bosci (5)0.27
2209.9 55.52% Linda Neil - Cia Adermann (7)0.19
3193.9 51.29% Tricia Sheahan - Jen Bradbury (1)0.14
4192.3 50.87% Jenny Joseph - Judy Scotney (2)0.09
5185.9 49.17% Kathryn Kelly - Pam Schiller (8) 
6185.3 49.02% Cathie Pearson - Maria Miller (6) 
7178.9 47.32% Helen Leahy - Patricia Bylett (9) 
8152.3 40.29% Therese Knauer - Louise Fraser (3) 

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