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Thursday Morning (6-Jul-23)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1121.8 60.88% Ruth Hoffensetz - Lyn Lodge (4)0.15
2116.0 58.00% Jenny Coyle - Leanne Nugent (5)0.11
399.5 49.75% Gloria Newton - Marie Low (1) 
485.5 42.75% Anne Gardiner - Lesley Hoyling (3) 
577.3 38.62% Denis Stark - Alan Hilton (2) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1123.8 61.88% Ria Mylrea - Maureen McNamara (3)0.15
2121.3 60.62% Douglas Johnstone - Gary Charlton (2)0.11
3112.5 56.25% Jill Rankine - Kathryn Kelly (5) 
472.5 36.25% Granville Gay - Wendy Gay (1) 
570.0 35.00% Penny Wagstaff - Sue Clare (4) 

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