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Wednesday Afternoon (21-Jun-23)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1177.0 59.00% Alan Pickering - Graham Rusher (6)0.18
2167.0 55.67% Margaret Mobbs - Marge Eaton (3)0.13
3156.0 52.00% Jenny Coyle - Leanne Nugent (5)0.09
4150.0 50.00% Phil Goodridge - Bonnie Goodridge (2) 
5133.0 44.33% Sue Noble - Ruth Hoffensetz (4) 
6117.0 39.00% Peter Neil - Stuart Stoddart (1) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1204.0 68.00% Claire Vanderloos - Clem Vanderloos (4)0.18
2165.0 55.00% Janet Warby - Susie Thomson (5)0.13
3151.0 50.33% Eliza Hemphill - Lily Manlapig (1)0.09
4139.0 46.33% Jill Rankine - Judy Wallace (6) 
5132.0 44.00% Jenny Iliescu - Anne Russell (3) 
6109.0 36.33% Kiran Dutt - Marie Low (2) 

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