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Friday Morning (11-Nov-22)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
199.0 58.93% Allan Byrnes - Unis Suliman (3)0.24
294.0 55.95% Leanne Nugent - Therese Tully (8)0.17
391.0 54.17% Sue Calthrop - Stuart Stoddart (4)0.12
490.0 53.57% Gayleen Trevaskis - Sue Ledlie (5)0.08
587.0 51.79% Sue Noble - Ruth Hoffensetz (1) 
678.0 46.43% Bevley D'aquino - Lisa McConkey (6) 
775.0 44.64% Graeme Seaton - Gary Walton (2) 
858.0 34.52% Jennifer Millman - Karen Edwards (7) 

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