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Friday Morning (30-Sep-22)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1132.0 55.00% Andrew Sharp - Susan Sharp (3)0.18
2130.0 54.17% Margaret Mobbs - Stuart Stoddart (4)0.13
3127.0 52.92% Anne Gardiner - Lesley Hoyling (2)0.09
4112.0 46.67% Bevley D'aquino - Lisa McConkey (1) 
5111.0 46.25% Louise Nohreiter - David Douglas (5) 
6108.0 45.00% Jennifer Millman - Karen Edwards (6) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1162.0 67.50% Unis Suliman - Peter Taylor (5)0.18
2118.0 49.17% Jill Hislop - Margaret Giebels (3)0.13
3115.0 47.92% Sue Cheney - Lyn Lodge (6)0.09
4113.0 47.08% Phil Goodridge - Bonnie Goodridge (1) 
5107.0 44.58% Ruth Hoffensetz - Mel Gilmour (2) 
6105.0 43.75% Eliza Hemphill - Rick Webster (4) 

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