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Thursday Morning (11-Aug-22)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1108.0 56.25% Jenny Coyle - Leanne Nugent (2)0.16
1108.0 56.25% Sue Ledlie - Helen Leahy (1)0.16
396.0 50.00% Judy Cooper - Glenn Cooper (3) 
495.0 49.48% Greg Petrie - Clare Petrie (5) 
573.0 38.02% Jennifer Millman - Sue Cheney (4) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1116.0 72.50% Heather Whitely - Diane McClintock (2)0.18
295.0 59.38% Gayleen Trevaskis - Jill Cavanagh (1)0.13
378.0 48.75% Louise Staines - Ruth Hoffensetz (3)0.09
473.0 45.62% Sam Staines - Mel Gilmour (6) 
567.0 41.88% Marie Low - Gloria Newton (5) 
651.0 31.88% John Bosci - David Douglas (4) 

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