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Tuesday Morning (7-Jun-22)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
180.0 55.56% Roslyn Smith - Bob Smith (2)0.12
279.0 54.86% Jill Cavanagh - Elizabeth Handley (4)0.08
370.0 48.61% Debbie Manche - Rosemary Clark (1) 
459.0 40.97% John Mayze - Andrew Churchill (3) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
185.0 59.03% Jan Ford - Maria Miller (2)0.12
277.0 53.47% Denis Stark - Lorraine Burdeu (4)0.08
373.0 50.69% Douglas Johnstone - Marie Low (3) 
453.0 36.81% Sue Donovan - Jenny Joseph (1) 

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