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Friday Morning (27-May-22)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1136.8 56.98% Margaret Mobbs - Diane McClintock (5)0.15
2134.8 56.15% Graeme Seaton - Gary Walton (2)0.11
3122.3 50.94% Jan Flanigan - Judy Wallace (1) 
4104.0 43.33% Lyn Lodge - Sue Cheney (4) 
5102.3 42.60% Jennifer Millman - Karen Edwards (3) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1134.3 55.94% Unis Suliman - Peter Taylor (2)0.15
2130.8 54.48% Peter Evans - Vanessa Brewis (5)0.11
3117.8 49.06% Leanne Nugent - Jenny Iliescu (4) 
4117.0 48.75% Ethel Lavin - Pam Schiller (1) 
5100.3 41.77% Allan Byrnes - Steve Parkes (3) 

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