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Wednesday Afternoon (9-Feb-22)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1153.0 63.75% Ruth Hoffensetz - Mel Gilmour (1)0.15
2131.0 54.58% Margaret Mobbs - Marge Eaton (2)0.11
3120.0 50.00% Sue Young - Debbie Nevin (5) 
4113.0 47.08% Jenny Coyle - Anne Russell (3) 
583.0 34.58% Sue Noble - Irene Allpass (4) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1135.0 56.25% Lily Manlapig - Eliza Hemphill (5)0.15
2132.0 55.00% Neil Sadler - Cia Adermann (2)0.11
3127.0 52.92% Claire Vanderloos - Clem Vanderloos (4) 
4125.0 52.08% Susie Thomson - Janet Warby (3) 
581.0 33.75% Jean McGuinness - Louise Nohreiter (1) 

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