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Thursday Morning (27-Jan-22)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
197.7 58.13% Gloria Newton - Marie Low (2)0.12
281.7 48.61% Judy Seaton - Therese Knauer (3)0.08
381.0 48.21% Jean McGuinness - Sue Donovan (1) 
475.7 45.04% Sam Staines - Flick Rich (4) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
199.3 59.13% Jennifer Brangan - Gayleen Trevaskis (4)0.12
291.3 54.37% Leanne Nugent - Jenny Coyle (2)0.08
376.0 45.24% Ethel Lavin - Renuka Mahadevan (3) 
469.3 41.27% Louise Staines - Ruth Hoffensetz (1) 

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