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Friday Under 25mps RB (7-Jan-22)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
164.0 66.67% Maria MILLER - Jill CAVANAGH (2)0.23
260.0 62.50% Judy BRIDGMAN - Jenny HEARLE (4)0.16
358.0 60.42% Sandy SPIES - Marie LOW (8)0.12
444.0 45.83% Linda GOUGH - Kiran DUTT (1)0.08
539.0 40.62% John MAYZE - Andrew CHURCHILL (5) 
638.0 39.58% Anne MUNRO - George OBRIEN (6) 
735.0 36.46% Clare DREW - Alex DAW (3) 
830.0 31.25% Beth ROTHERY - Carole BLOOMER (7) 
90.0 0.00% Pam Russell (0) - Stephen PROWSE (10) 

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