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Thursday Morning (4-Nov-21)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1132.0 66.00% Peter Wilce - Heather Douglas (4)0.15
2100.0 50.00% Jenny Coyle - Leanne Nugent (2)0.11
398.0 49.00% Greg Ford - Jan Ford (5) 
486.0 43.00% Sam Staines - Flick Rich (3) 
584.0 42.00% Rob Myers - Kathryn Kelly (1) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1123.0 61.50% Louise Staines - Ruth Hoffensetz (3)0.15
2108.0 54.00% Gayleen Trevaskis - Jennifer Brangan (4)0.11
3107.0 53.50% Anne Gardiner - Maria Miller (2) 
482.0 41.00% Susie Thomson - Janet Warby (5) 
580.0 40.00% Sue Donovan - Jean McGuinness (1) 

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